A spoonful of honey everyday

Thousands of people swear by the effectiveness of a spoonful of honey everyday can help them to enjoy the summer without having to worry about pollen.

The principle behind it is desensitization. The sticky honey may also contain small amounts of the lighter wind blown pollens which inflames the lining of the nose. One suggestion could be that the body builds up a reaction to pollen. Theres has been no evidence of the effectiveness of honey on hay fever symptoms.

Most supporters of honey as a remedy recommend raw, unfiltered honey but David Bondi, chairman of the Honey Association says that any local product should work as honey is not a processed product. John Howat of the Bee Farmers Association of UK suggests opting for a multi-flora honey as that will contain a good mix of pollens.

So if you want to see if honey will work for you start now, don't wait till you start sneezing!

Read the complete article Honey: the sweetest cure for hay fever from The Telegraph.

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Food Sources Of Vitamin C

Orange juice.Image via Wikipedia
We all know the benefits of eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. They are a rich source of Vitamin C. The thing is how much Vitamin C is there in the fruits we eat?

According to Linus Pauling Institute, 5 servings or 2 1/2 cups of fruits and vegetables should average 200 mg of Vitamin C. Here is a rough guide on the Vitamin C content in some of the fruits we consume.

FoodServingVitamin C (mg)
Orange juice¾ cup (6 ounces)62-93
Grapefruit juice¾ cup (6 ounces)62-70
Orange1 medium70
Grapefruit½ medium38
Strawberries1 cup, whole85
Tomato1 medium16
Sweet red pepper½ cup, raw chopped95
Broccoli½ cup, cooked51
Potato1 medium, baked17

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Why Morning Seems To Be Worse For Those With A Runny Nose

Original caption: Not faked. I was trying to t...                                  Image via WikipediaHave you noticed that mornings are the worst times of the day for those with a runny nose? You wake up in the morning and the whole chain of sneezing, runny nose and itchy eyes begin making a miserable start to the day. Once the sneezing starts, you find it hard to stop.

Outdoor air is usually saturated with mold and pollen during the early morning between 5 am and 10am. A good remedy for a runny nose is to avoid outdoor activities which will help lessen exposure to these irritants to the nasal system. It might help to wear a face mask if you do need to be outside during these times when the pollen count is high.

Temperature or humidity changes can also trigger the membranes inside the nose to swell and as a result you have a runny nose. Skiers often develop a runny nose because of this. Some people start sneezing when they leave an air conditioned room while others have a runny nose when exposed to the cold.

More causes of non-allergic rhinitis
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